Thursday, April 28, 2016

Getting Started

Last year I decided to exploit my inner completionista and not just read some Stephen King novels, but put all my friends to shame and read every damn one of them. It seems like everyone has their favorites as well as ones they love to hate on, or maybe a book or two they haven't even heard of, so I think it should be an interesting experience to see just how they stack up for the novice reader like myself.

So what am I reading?
More than 70 books, that's what. Since Stephen King is still an active writer as of the launch of this here blog, that number currently encompasses everything from Carrie (1974) through If It Bleeds (2020). Since I don't plan to commit my life wholly to this undertaking, this will likely take a good deal of time, so one can expect more volumes will be published and the goal posts will inevitably move. If I can read more of his books in a year than he can write, I will consider that forward progress!

What makes this blog different?
I am not the first person to announce to the Internet that they are reading all of Stephen King's books. However, these folks are committed fans that are doing their "grand review" of King's oeuvre, whereas I have read exactly three of his books - The StandOn Writing, and The Long Walk - across my lifetime, which I'd like to point out is a shorter period of time than King has been writing professionally.

What are the ground rules?
  • I will read each Stephen King book (novels, collections, and Bachman) in publication order starting with Carrie.
  • When (not if...when) he writes more books, those will be included until I'm finished.
  • Uncollected short stories, poems and novellas don't count. I've got enough problems keeping track of things as it is.
  • Movie novelizations, comics and graphic novels don't count, so Creepshow is out. But I'll watch the movie just for the hell of it.
  • After completing a book I will watch every available movie adaptation associated with it presuming they are readily available to rent or stream. If you made a home movie of Christine I'm really happy for you, but that's probably outside my scope.
  • Nonfiction titles count, though King has to be sole or one of two authors.
  • The Stand will be read twice in original and expanded form, assuming I can find a copy of the original version. I assume I get some kind of special recognition for reading the book three times in my life?
  • The Gunslinger, however, will only be read once, but even if it's the "revised" version, I will read it in the order of it's original publication.
  • No "illustrated editions" need be read unless I'm convinced there is a substantial benefit in doing so. Feel free to convince me.
  • If the only way to read a particular book is to spend a ton of money, it will be skipped.
  • The Green Mile will be read in its "complete" form, since it is not hot off the presses. I mean seriously, do people prefer to read Great Expectations in serialized form?
How you can play along
The rules for me are far more strict that for anyone else. If interested in joining this madness, you can follow this blog (bookmark, syndicate, whatever) and add your highly-charged, inflammatory opinions to the comments. Or don't. I don't care, since I'm selfishly doing this for myself. Or invite all your friends, that's fine too. Read what you like. Don't read what you don't like. Get on board, jump off, rejoin's all up to you! In the interest of being organized, I will post a little something saying I'm starting a book. Keep in mind I'm not going to read the first page of 'Salem's Lot right after the last page of Carrie. When I'm done, I'll put down some thoughts about the book, and finally if I see a film adaptation I'll post something as well. From time to time I'll post some housekeeping stuff, especially if I'm bogged down with other things, just so you don't think I died.

I know the blog name is stupid
If you have a better name for this blog, please let me know. Preferably something that rhymes, something alliterative, or a clever play on a Stephen King book title. We have an awesome title now, thanks to my friend Randall.

And exactly what are the books to be read?
Since this intro is already pretty long, I'm sticking this on the end. If I remember, I'll try to hyperlink to the posts, or something Web 2.0 to blow your mind and update it when I can. Since I did this list pretty quickly, the order here may not be exact. Here's the intended reading list:
'Salem's Lot
The Shining
Night Shift
The Stand
The Long Walk
The Dead Zone
Danse Macabre
The Running Man
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger
Different Seasons
Pet Sematary
Cycle of the Werewolf
The Talisman
Skeleton Crew
The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three
The Eyes of the Dragon
The Tommyknockers
Nightmares in the Sky
The Dark Half
The Stand (Uncut!)
Four Past Midnight
Needful Things
The Dark Tower: The Waste Lands
Gerald's Game
Dolores Claiborne
Nightmares & Dreamscapes
Rose Madder
The Regulators
The Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass
Bag of Bones
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Hearts in Atlantis
On Writing
Secret Windows
The Green Mile
Black House
From A Buick 8
Everything's Eventual
The Dark Tower: Wolves of the Calla
The Dark Tower: Song of Susannah
The Dark Tower
The Colorado Kid
Lisey's Story
Duma Key
Just After Sunset
Under the Dome
Full Dark, No Stars
The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole
Doctor Sleep
Mr. Mercedes
Finders Keepers
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
End of Watch
Sleeping Beauties
The Outsider
The Institute
If It Bleeds

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