Thursday, September 8, 2016

Not really new Stephen King books

I'm very excited to take on The Shining, which will likely happen next month. In the interest of keeping things lukewarm here until then, I just wanted to note a couple books associated with Stephen King, but not actually new books.

First off is Six Scary Stories, in which King only wrote the forward. It must have been a huge score for the collection, as I don't recognize the publisher or any of the authors. As you can see by the cover, if you aren't paying attention it looks like Stephen King wrote the entire thing. Not true!

The other is called Hearts In Suspension, which doesn't even have a cover and the only description is: "Non-fiction collection of essays by Stephen and others about his time as a student at the University of Maine." I'm going out on a limb to say that his contribution is just a small fragment of an otherwise whimsical collection, so it does not apply to this project.