Friday, March 31, 2017

All the movies that come from Night Shift

I've been bogged down in a bunch of other reading, so Night Shift is still waiting in the wings, but I can promise there will be forward progress next month. This update is just to whet your appetite for mostly bad movies. After three versions of Carrie and two each of The Shining and 'Salem's Lot (and mercifully none for Rage), I'm hoping I've received enough of an inoculation to withstand what lies ahead. Night Shift would ultimately yield a bonanza of ten movies, six theatrical and four for television. None of them are anywhere near the level of Kubrick, but many enjoy a high degree of notoriety. The more ill-advised ones may be a little hard to track down, and I was clear in my opening manifesto that I won't spend large amounts of money to read or watch something. So without further ado, here is the Murderer's Row of Movies, with Rotten Tomatoes scores as of March 2017:

Children of the Corn (1984) - 38%
Cat's Eye (1985) - 69%
Maximum Overdrive (1986) - 17%
Graveyard Shift (1990) - 13%
Sometimes They Come Back (1991, TV) - 50% audience score
Lawnmower Man (1992) - 38%, and yes I know it has zero relationship to the short story
The Mangler (1996) - 27%
Trucks (1997, TV) - 30% audience score
Battleground (2006, TV) - an episode of Nightmares & Dreamscapes, with a 7.9/10 rating on IMDb
Children of the Corn (2009, TV) - 17% audience score

If you are a fan of the "How Did This Get Made" podcast, then I'm sure you will find the upcoming posts for these fine adaptations at the very least amusing.